International Conference on Visual Communication Design
& Basic Design Forum
Conference Purpose
視覺傳達設計,主要透過可視物件與形式的處理,藉由傳播媒體進行事物訊息的傳達。是設計專業領域的基礎、也是應用的延伸,相關學理與實務涵蓋範圍廣泛,議題、技術與技巧持續地蓬勃發展。2020 ICWVCD延續去年的舉辦經驗,本年度以「傳承與創新」為主題,敬邀國內外學者、專業人士與研究者,共同參與及分享設計經驗與研究結果,冀望能強化國內設計學術與實務的連貫,提供相互之間觀摩、交流與學習之參考。
Visual communication design is the processing of visual objects and forms to communicate information through the media. It is the foundation of the professional field of design and an extension of its application, covering a wide range of theories and practices, with issues, technologies, and techniques continually evolving. 2020 (ICWVCD) International Conference and Workshop on Visual Communication Design continues the experience of last year's event with “Inheritance and Innovation’ being the theme of this year, inviting domestic and international scholars, professionals and researchers to participate and share design experiences and research results, hoping to strengthen the academic and practical linkage of design in Taiwan and provide reference for mutual observation, communication and learning.
Conference Theme
傳承,意涵為傳接與繼承,是延續原本既有事物之意;創新,則是將原本事物元素,重新組合以產生新意。設計是建構在人類生活基礎之上,解決個體在傳達、溝通與需求的問題,進而提升精神上的美感品質。凡走過必留下痕跡,社會、群體與環境的演變,相對地堆疊出傳統文明的軌跡,因為科技發展的影響而產生巨變;在此同時,須思考如何保留、傳承與發揚過往好的傳統,應是當今設計專業關注之所在。所謂「Old is new!」,另一種意涵即是從過去找尋靈感,在舊事物中導入新概念、技術,展現出舊與新融合的樣貌,也是藉由創新思維與實踐,讓傳統得以延續之具體作為。本次研討會將以「傳承與創新」為主題,從人文、社會、科技等多元的面向切入,探討設計的創新思維對延續傳統的影響力。
Tradition and Innovation
Inheritance, meaning continuity and succession, is the continuation of something that is already existing; innovation, is the recombination of original elements to produce new ideas. Design is the foundation on which human life is built, solving problems of communication and demands of the individual to enhance the aesthetic quality of the spirit. “We leave traces of ourselves wherever we go, on whatever we touch.” The evolution of society, groups, and the environment has resulted in a relative accumulation of traces of traditional civilization, which has changed dramatically due to technological development; at the same time, we must consider how to preserve, pass on, and carry forward the good traditions of the past, which should be the concern of design professionals today. Another meaning of “Old is new!” is to seek inspiration from the past and introduce new concepts and technologies into the old, presenting a fusion of the old and the new, as well as a concrete approach to sustaining traditions through innovative thinking and practice. With the theme of “Inheritance and Innovation”, we will explore the influence of innovative thinking in design on the continuation of traditions from a variety of perspectives including humanity, society and technology.
Conference Summary
研討會名稱:2020 ICWVCD視覺傳達設計國際研討會暨基礎造形論壇
研討會日期:2020 年11 月06日(五)08:30~17:30
會議地址:64002 雲林縣斗六市大學路3段123號,設計二館B02視聽教室
Conference: 2020 (ICWVCD)International Conference on Visual Communication Design & Basic Design Forum
Date 6th of November, 2020 (Fri.) 8:30 to 17:30
Location: B02, Audio-Visual Classroom, Building 2, College of Design, Department
of Visual Communication, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology.
Address: No. 123, Section 3, University Road, Douliu City, Yunlin Country, 64002, Taiwan
Contact: udc@yuntech.edu.tw
Facebook: 2020 ICWVCD International Conference and Workshop on VisualCommunication Design
Tradition means continuity and inheritance, which means the continuation of the original; innovation means to recombine the original elements. in order to generate new ideas. On the basis of human life, design solves the problems of communication and demand of the individual to enhance the spiritual aesthetics. Quality. Tracks are always left behind.
A. 視覺傳達 Visual Communication
B. 社會設計 Social Design
C. 設計文化 Design Culture
D. 服務設計 Service Design
E. 設計教育 Design Education
F. 體驗設計 Experience Design