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International Conference on Visual Communication Design
& Basic Design Forum
White Structure



Paper Submission
  1. 本研討會採全文投稿,中英文皆可。

  2. 本研討會論文依據中華民國設計學會之設計學術成果研討會範本格式,於本研討會網站(,或粉絲專頁下載。     

  3. 全文完稿(含參考文獻)須在8-10 頁內,稿件請務必依投稿須知撰寫,格式不符者,恕不審查。所有投稿論文均附上著作授權聲明,且需每一位共同作者簽名確認。

  4. 徵稿對象:歡迎國內外設計相關專業人士、教師、研究生踴躍投稿、參與。

  5. 投稿系統:

  6. 之論文限定為 pdf 格式,檔案大小不得超過 15MB,論文請勿編頁碼。「著作授權同意書」請合併在投稿之論文的最後一頁(「著作授權同意書」並不含在8-10 頁的限制內)。

  7. 論文審查結果將於 2020 年10 月 15 日前以 e-mail 通知。

  8. 通過論文審查之論文若有審查意見,請依照審查意見進行修正,修改通過後,2020 年10 月25日前上傳最終定稿論文,完成投稿程序。

  1. The full papers of this conference can be submitted in both English and Chinese.

  2. The papers of this conference are based on the template of the Chinese Institute of Design, and are available on the website of the conference ( or from the Fan Page.

  3. The full papers (including references) shall be in 8-10 pages. The papers must be written in accordance with the instructions for submission. All submitted papers shall be attached with a copyright authorization statement, which must be signed by each co-author.

  4. Target participants: domestic and international design professionals, teachers and postgraduate students are welcome to submit their papers.

  5. Submission system:

  6. All the submit papers shall be in PDF format and the file size shall not exceed 15MB, and no page numbering is allowed. Please merge the copyright license agreement on the last page of the submitted paper. (The copyright license agreement is not included in the limit.)

  7. The results of the paper review will be notified by e-mail by October 15, 2020.

  8. If there are any comments on the reviewed papers, please make corrections







The abstract should consist of no more than 500 words in Chinese and no more than 300 words in English. The title of the abstract should be in the same format as the main title, and the text of the abstract should be in the same format as the main text. Do not use more than 5 keywords, and please list them at the end of the abstract. Except for the keywords which shall not be indented, the format of the abstract is the same as that of the text.


全文完稿(含參考文獻)須在8-10 頁內,稿件請務必依投稿須知撰寫,格式不符者,恕不審查。所有投稿論文均附上著作授權聲明,且需每一位共同作者簽名確認。

Full paper

The full papers (including references) shall be in 8-10 pages. The papers must be written in accordance with the instructions for submission. All submitted papers shall be attached with a copyright authorization statement, which must be signed by each co-author.






Oral presentation

Poster presentation

#The oral presentation was divided into the first and second sessions, each venue (A, B, C) each published 4 articles, each author briefing 15 minutes, commentators and on-site guests to ask 5 minutes of questions; A total of 24 oral papers were presented in 180 minutes.






Download links to the conference-related files:

Announcement and Call for Papers

❊ ICWVCD_Paper Format

❊ ICWVCD_Copyright License Agreement

❊ Submission System User Guide


Registration Fee
Enrollment Payment Time
Proof of payment of the uploading time
  1. 所有投稿論文註冊費用每篇1,000元

  2. 匯款帳號:(  註冊費用:1000元​、郵局代號:700、存簿帳號:0301008-0877276​、戶名:國立雲林科技大學視覺傳達設計系廖志忠)

  3. 論文經審查通過後,會以e-mail 通知投稿者繳交費用,並將 [ 研討會繳費證明上傳表單 ] 相關連結以e-mail 方式提供給投稿者上傳相關資訊,請記得留下「繳費證明」(報名繳費時間:10/05-10/23、「繳費證明上傳」表單開放上傳時間:10/05-10/23)。

  4. 〔繳費證明上傳〕表單開放上傳時間:10/05-10/23

  5. 若要查詢註冊、投稿等相關問題,請寫信至大會電子信箱詢問,或於本次官方粉絲專頁,以訊息提出問題,粉絲專頁名稱:「「2020ICWVCD視覺傳達設計國際研討會暨基礎造形論壇」。

  1. All registration fee for paper submission is NTD 1,000.

  2. Account information:(Registration fee: NTD 1,000、Bank code: 700、Account No.: 0301008-0877276​、Account name: Liao, Zhi-zhong, Department of Visual Communication, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology)

  3. After the submitted paper has been approved by reviewer, the contributor will be notified to pay the fee, and we will provide the form connect of Payment Confirmation, please remember to keep the 'remittance receipt'.(Registration and payment period: October 5th-23rd、Payment confirmation uploade time : October 5th-23rd)

  4. Payment confirmation uploade time : October 5th-23rd

  5. For inquiries about registration, submissions and other related issues, please write to the e-mail (, or leave a message on the official fan page (2020 ICWVCD International Conference and Workshop on Visual Communication Design).

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